Returns and Exchange Policy
Rocket offers FREE* Returns and Exchanges.
Customers can Exchange or Return the order within 2 days from the date of order.
Full Refund will be credited to your bank account in 3-5 days.
How to Return ?
Go to “Account” from menu and log in to your account. Now select the product(s) you want to return.
You will receive a confirmation text with pickup details on WhatsApp in 3hrs.
How to Exchange
Text us details on WhatsApp. Rider will come to pick it up first and if it passes quality checks at our warehouse new product will be sent immediately.
Please don’t send used products. Read below T&C for sending used products back.
Terms and Conditions
Feel free to try on a product but all we ask is that the product remains unused and is preserved in its original condition along with the tags and packaging. In case a Seal Tag is received with the item, ensure that it remains attached & intact with the product to avoid any hassles in the event of a return/exchange.
The return option will not be available if the item purchased is one size or if it is no longer available and for any other other item apart from clothing (earrings, chains, caps, accessories).
Defective product complains will only be tolerated if informed within 60 minutes of delivery.
Any coupon used will be null and void in the case of return.
We reserve the right not to accept return/exchange of products which
(i) we believe are being returned after use, washed or soiled or
(ii) are damaged (except where the return is on account of damaged goods having been delivered to you).
(iii) No return or exchange is allowed if you opt for TRY & BUY and decide to keep it.
(iv) if tags are removed or re-attached.
If any return/exchange does not passes the quality checks we will charge extra for delivery (Minimum Rs 100 and upto Rs 300) for trying to return/exchange any used product. You have maximum of 3 days to pay after that we will discard your items as we have limited space in our warehouse.
These are only delivery charges we have to pay to the rider.
Kindly allow 10 days for the return to be processed and the amount to be shown in your bank account. COD orders will be refunded via UPI in 2-3days.
Delivery fee is any are non-refundable.
For Try and Buy orders, payment must be made within 30 minutes of delivery. Upon not making payment a fine of Rs 1000 shall be charged.